
英国卫生部(PHE)在电子烟行业间可以说是非常出名,他们进行过多项实验来证明新型烟草与传统烟草产品对健康影响的差距.下面这个2分钟的短片就是其中一个简单但直观的电子烟实验. 为了方便观看,我试着翻译了一下: 香烟比电子烟多7000种致癌物
Most of us know that smoking is  bad for our health, in fact it's the biggest preventable cause of death in the country.

我们都知道吸烟对健康有害,不过在所有对人造成死亡的因素里,吸烟导致的危害是最可以预防的. 香烟比电子烟多7000种致癌物 Over three million people currently use e cigarettes, however there are still lots of misconceptions around their relative safety.


I am here with one of the country's leading stop smoking experts who's going to carry out an experiment to show the impact of smoking conventional cigarettes compared to e-cigarettes.

我今天在这里将要和这位全国领先的戒烟专家一起,做一项关于电子烟和香烟对比的试验. 香烟比电子烟多7000种致癌物 What we are going to do is we are going to have one bell jar setup to somke average number of cigarettes smoked by smokers each month.


Then we have other bell jar which we draw vaper from e-cigarette for the same amount of time and then as a control condition, we have clear air to demonstrate not smoking. 香烟比电子烟多7000种致癌物 同时,我们从电子烟中抽出同等的电子烟烟气,放入另外一个钟罩.然后在第三个钟罩中只通入正常空气作为对比组.

Let's see what is going to happen.


Here is the cigarette somke.

这是通入香烟烟气的(罐子). 香烟比电子烟多7000种致癌物 It's a bad job. I mean just so revolting.Look, let's just see inside of the jar.


Here a lump of tar.So that's what's going on inside your lungs.


and now we gonna cut this tube and ...


Ah look! That's a lot of it!
