《柳叶刀-公共卫生》(The Lancet Public Health)近日发表来自中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心周脉耕研究员团队及北京师范大学的联合研究。研究报告了2015-16年至2018-19年期间中国18岁以上成人的过去30天电子烟使用率及其相关因素。该研究首次报告了近年中国成人电子烟使用现况和变化趋势,为中国电子烟限售政策的评估提供了基线数据。
研究结果表明,2015至2019年间,中国电子烟使用者数量显著增加。2015-16年,中国成人过去30天电子烟使用率估计为1.3%,其中男性为2.5%,女性为0.1%。从2015-16到2018-19年,中国成人电子烟使用率从1.3%上升到1.6%,新增成人电子烟用户约为335万,其中男性为320万,女性为15万。(Figure 1)

Figure 1: Prevalence of past 30-day e-cigarette use (A) and e-cigarette awareness (B) in 2015–16 and 2018–19 among Chinese adults, overall and in current smokers
Data represent weighted estimates from the China Chronic Disease and Nutrition Survey 2015 (n=189 306) and 2018 (n=184 475)。 Populations for the years 2015–16 and 2018–19 were standardised with the 2010 population census to gain comparable estimates. Error bars show 95% CIs. The unweighted denominators were much greater than 50 for all subgroups apart from current female smokers aged 18–29 years; in this subgroup, the unweighted denominator was 61 in 2015–16 and 50 in 2018–19, and these results should be interpreted with caution. Among the total population, awareness of e-cigarettes significantly increased in 2018–19 compared with 2015–16 (p<0·0001)。 p values are shown in appendix 2 (p 12)。
中国电子烟使用人群的特征与发达国家有所不同。研究显示,在18-29岁人群、城市居民、中学及以上教育程度人群、年收入水平较高人群、工厂或建筑手工业工人、肥胖人群中,电子烟使用率较高。与瑞典和美国等发达国家形成对比的是,教育水平较高或收入水平较高的中国人群更可能使用电子烟。这意味着公众对于尼古丁或电子烟所可能含有物质的健康危害仍然缺乏了解。此外,从2015年到2019年,家庭收入水平较低的人群增加了电子烟的使用,这可能加剧健康不平等性。(Figure 2)

Figure 2: Prevalence of past 30-day e-cigarette use in urban and rural areas in China by education level (A) and annual household income (B) in 2015–16 and 2018–19
Data represent weighted estimates from the China Chronic Disease and Nutrition Survey 2015 (n=189 306) and 2018 (n=184 475)。 Populations for the years 2015–16 and 2018–19 were standardised with the 2010 population census to gain comparable estimates. Error bars show 95% CIs. p values are shown in appendix 2 (p 13)。