值得注意的是,相关报道中再次提到ELFBAR和LOST MARY,指出两大品牌占到了去年英国共售出近3亿支电子烟中的一半以上,相较于前一年销售额增长了超过4倍,在英国市场占有重要地位。
格物消费从ELFBAR获得了针对这一事件的官方回应,相关人士表示正在与地方当局就避免青少年吸食电子烟,电子烟产品的回收,以及为英国的免费电子烟计划‘Swap to Stop’ 提供电子烟产品等问题进行探讨,从而为英国政府实现无烟目标提供帮助。ELFBAR正针对上述各方面问题制定包括 "Lighthouse Guardian"在内的全面计划,以保障和保护儿童。
We are happy to work with the LGA and indeed are in discussions with a number of local authorities to address instances of youth vaping, the recycling of vaping products, the provision of vaping products in ‘Swap to Stop’ schemes to help meet the Government smoke free ambitions and to address the issue of illicit vaping products. We are developing comprehensive programme across all of these areas including our Lighthouse Guardian program to safeguard and protect children.
Simply calling for a ban on singe use vapes will do nothing to tackle these issues. The illicit market will simply fill the void with products that are unlicensed and unregulated containing substances that potentially pose a health risk. It is noticeable that leading public health groups, including ASH, are not calling for such prohibitive measures.
Vaping remains critical to moving smokers off tobacco products and to achieving the Government’s and councils’ smoke free ambitions. Research also clearly shows that single use vapes are the preferred choice for smokers to begin their smoke free journey. This call will do nothing to help these ambitions and, if enacted, would keep smoker’s addicted to tobacco for far longer than they need to be.
